Skipping Platforms

Skipping Platforms is a prototype project that was created in Unreal Engine 4

The prototype was designed as part of my University Undergraduate Degree, where I was tasked with creating a prototype game as part of one of my modules.

Throughout the development of this prototype I went ahead and tried out new features and developed mechanics I hadn’t used before within the engine. These featres consited of:

• Checkpoints - Allowed me to develop a saving system that let me save the players current location so that they could respawn there upon death, rather than having to restart from the very begining each time they died. This checkpoint system carried across both levels so that if they completed one then died completly they would only have to start from the level they died on again, rather than they very start of the prototype itself.

• Level Streaming - Allowed me to keep two seperate levels on the same world but keep one of them hidden untill it was required to be loaded in.

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